2020 - ongoing
*please email me for a full portfolio of images.

GOOD FEELINGS EVERY DAY are 35mm color and black and white analogue photographs. The title comes from a sign at a prominent karaoke bar in central Helsinki. I photographed it one day early in 2020 during the pandemic. It became my mantra. Life happens, bad things happen, death happens, Corona happens, anxiety takes over… but it is important to focus on the good or at least that is what they tell us and social media tries to convince us. Looking back through my family photo albums it looks like we had a nice life, that my childhood was fun and healthy. The fact is that it was filled with alcoholism and abuse, from sexual to physical and both in my grandparent’s home with my mother and then again as I was a girl. The intergenerational trauma must stop. The facade and myth of happiness must be torn down.

GOOD FEELINGS EVERY DAY offers an intimate realistic look into a foreigner family’s life in Finland. They are not just smiles and birthday presents but showing vulnerability and a snapshot into the day to day. Finland is where I finally understand what it means to not just be home but to feel home. It’s not really about the place. It is about moving forward. It is a visual narrative of daily life that is honest. Life is not always good feelings but on occasion it is.