LINK to Vimeo Page and video works
Here are some selected works. If you click on any of the images without text descriptions, it will bring you to a page with more info on the project.
As an artist my aim has been to use art as an access point to say something, to do something... because I was sad and angry. My focus and interests lie in post-trauma, how it affects an individual (personal), the community and the physical place.

The personal is the individual generational history of sexual violence. I do not want it passed down to my daughter. I am the protector now.

The community is work that is a protest to end rape culture.

Bomb the American, 2006
Action, 20 minutes, Oriental Plaza, Johannesburg, South Africa
*I filled 270 water balloons and people were encouraged to throw them at me. I was telling
the story of being half Iranian and half American.
(ge)MACHT, 2012
Image with 5 minute sound looped
Cosmopolitan Stranger Curated by Denise Carvahlo
A parallel event for Manifesta 9, Hasselt, Belgium

By juxtaposing the Indigenous American with the sound of my voice speaking German in a bad American accent, the aim is to talk about power on a whole level and not specifically about Germany. I find it interesting that in the German language and also in Dutch, the words “have done” (gemacht) and Power (Macht) have no direct relationship. However if one thinks about a philosophers view on power, quite often it is view as an action. Power is something done to people.
LINK to Youtube Page and video works